Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Here We Go Again

I've done it again. I signed up for another fundraising triathlon.

After arthroscopic knee surgery last fall for a meniscal tear I've been easing into running. I'm up to a grand 15 minutes of 3 minute runs and 2 minute rests. Bicycling has been lackluster pedaling on the stationary bike in the garage. I've been lucky to swim twice a week -- short lap swims at the nearby city pool.

I need a team. I need assignments and peer pressure. I need a goal.

I'm looking at the current Team in Training schedule. First, I think how nice it is to be a couch potato. A cozy warm couch potato. Time to cook things. Time to build jewelry. Time to garden . . . Who am I kidding? I've gaining weight. I pulled my jewelry beads out of the drawer and found I'd forgotten how the tools work. I've weeded a couple of ivy strands in the garden and was laid up for three days with back pain.

I look at the Team in Training schedule. They are starting training this month! I panic. Then I sign up. Suddenly I'm a happy energized soul.