Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Another Rainy Week

What is going on? I'm feeling old, not energized.

When I finished last year's triathlon I felt alive. When I stopped training to let my knee heal up the energy slipped away, week by week. I want that feeling again. When is it going to come back?

Tuesday was 'strides' at the track: 90% effort on the straight stretchs and recovery on the corners. Running fast is fun, even though I can't keep it up with the others. Wednesday night was fast repeats at the pool, trying to maintain an even pace. Thursday was another physical therapy session, then indoor pedaling in the evening. Friday was my coveted rest day. And Saturday . . .

Saturday was a bike ride starting at Redmond: Bike an easy pace to Kenmore. Turn around. Push it. Get dropped by the lead group. Keep that lady with the new bike in sight. Get dropped by her too. Get lost in the last mile. Use the iPhone to find your way back. Clean the little worms off your bike. (Where did those come from? Everyone had them.) Come home to the rain.

Sunday was another run in Discovery Park. Actually it was a lot of walking.

Just another typical training week.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Bricks! Such a heavy load.

Last Saturday our practice was a 5-mile bike ride followed by a 1-mile run. Repeat that four times. We were practicing transitions. Brick is the term for the combo practice we are doing. They really do feel like you are carrying a load of bricks around.

Is this running going to ever get better? For a while there I thought I really liked running. Right now it just seems very, very hard.

Fortunately, it wasn't actually raining during practice. The roads were a little wet from earlier storms, but water wasn't actually coming out of the sky while we rode.

When you are raising money to combat cancer, it seems like you should get a free pass from cancer -- a 'Get Out of Jail' card that keeps you and your family cancer free. But no, it doesn't work that way. We had a teammate drop out Saturday, as she was just diagnosed with breast cancer. Wisely, she is going to spend her energy battling that.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's Not About the Knee

It's been six weeks of training with LLS's Team in Training. Sometimes I think I have missed more group practices than I have made. There are the ski trips (I'm not complaining!), the flu (I am complaining), the snow (The pool closed), and the time I was late and missed the running group (It was raining anyway).

We have to settle for one coach this year, instead of three. But Wade is a really, really good coach. I've gotten great tips for bike gearing on hills. I've gotten my swim stroke corrected. I'm learning about hydration.

Last Tuesday we ran around Greenlake -- first from the Community Center to the Aqua Center. Then we did laps on the amphitheater seating. Suck in those gluts and abs. Then we ran the rest of the way around Greenlake.

My knee has giving me fits lately. Once again, I am concerned. Should I really be running at all? I mentioned this to the training crowd last week. A physical therapist was suggested. A particular physical therapist was suggested. A physical therapist that was married to one of my teammates. After some deliberation, and a little more research, I made an appointment.

This group, Stretch, was amazing. Turns out that my problems comes from my back, my ever-aching back and herniated disc from 20 years ago. Yes, my knee is still healing from last fall's surgery, but it's my back that not firing all of its cylinders. So we are working on that.